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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    back teeth crowding/movement/abcess/decay etc?

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    I have had serious pain in my lower right jaw for over 5 years now and every doctor and dentist, ent consultant etc etc tells me i grind my jaw and the jaw is sore as a result. I now have one tooth on lower right that has 4 cavity's and is almost getting pushed out the gum from underneath. I have no idea what is pushing it up but could it be an abscess in there for years? The pain is sometimes seriously excruciating and sometimes for a day or so can be irrelevant. I have had my back teeth all pulled (molars) and my wisdom teeth are almost completely through. Right side wisdoms are slower, probably 80% through currently. Could this all be crowding due to wisdoms? I feel like that is exactly what it is, my back 2-3 teeth bottom right side always feel jammed together, can't get so much asd a cigarette paper between them, not a chance. Any ideas? i feel like the dentist doesn't want hassle and hoping will go away in time.
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