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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Why is my heart murmur is getting worse?

    My heart murmur that I've had for over 20years has been getting worse in the last 2-4 months. I struggle to walk down my driveway without my heart murmur being set off and I feel totally exhausted and need to sit down ASAP. It's happening more often, the worst was Sunday the 29th an Monday 30th May - my heart murmur set off over 24-32 times during those days, and it got to the point where I nearly passed out an couldn't even leave my house as just walking from my lounge to front door (which is less then 10 steps) started badly again I just had to sit straight down. I'm getting very concern as its now affecting my work an personal life.
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    Dr George Touma is an Australian trained Cardiologist with dual training in medicine and pharmacy. He has undergone sub-specialised training in interventional cardiology, with a … View Profile


    A history, physical examination and heart ultrasound by a cardiologist is very important in answering this question. 

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