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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Can I balance out my hormones?

    I have noticed my emotions and motivations are very reliant on my cycle.

    Using a period diary, I realise that I am happier, more open to romance, feel healthier from the end of my period to mid way through my cycle, but from then my skin goes crazy, I feel unhappier, completely unsexy- uninterested in romance, less motivated and unhealthy right up until my period.

    These flips in my well-being have become very noticeable to me and seem to have been enhanced since I had my implanon removed 6 months ago.

    What can I do to make everything more balanced throughout the month?
  • Find a professional to answer your question

  • Dr John Mahony

    Cosmetic Physician

    Dr John Mahony studied Medicine at Sydney University 1980-1984 graduating early 1985. Internship and residency years followed in the Illawarra, covering general medical and surgical … View Profile

    Wow, that's a hard one.

    It would be worthwhile to know more about you: your age, your level of fitness and your body shape, and your habits regarding diet and exercise.

    Would also be good to know what medication you might be taking, and whether you are currently hoping to fall pregnant, hoping *not* to fall pregnant, uncommitted either way, or what.

    Also - why was the Implanon removed?

    From this picture we could work out whether the problem can be helped with lifestyle changes or with hormonal suppplementation or with medication or with some other strategy.

    More information please?

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