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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Do I have Interstitial Cystitis?

    After suffering urinary problems & vulval pain for decades, the problem has become severely worse since menopause. I have been told in the past that I had chronic cystitis, HPV virus, herpes, & vulvodynia, but I have now come to suspect after all these years & countless negative tests that my symptoms more mimic Interstitial Cystitis. Are there any specialists in the South Coast NSW area that could help me?
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  • Women's Health Queensland Wide provides free health information for Queensland women. View Profile

    Please click on the information link provided 
    It is important that you have an accurate diagnosis, and with that in mind you should ask you Dr. to either refer you to the urology department of a public hospital or to a private urologist or urogynaecologist.
    Women’s Health Educator
    Health Information Line, Women’s Health Queensland Wide
    Women living in Queensland can also call our Health Information Line - a free information and referral service for Queensland women - on 3839 9988 or 1800 017 676 (toll free outside Brisbane).
    Please note that all health information provided by Women’s Health Queensland Wide is subject to this disclaimer

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