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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Natural active ingredients scientifically proven to help eczema?

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    Calendula, oat, chickweed, jojoba, almond, coconut, aloe - countless ingredients are suggested as effective for eczema topically, while other things like dandelion juice have been suggested for ingestion -

    How can an itchy eczema victim tell whether a natural ingredient has undergone legitimate scientific testing and is likely to be effective?
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    The role of the Eczema Association of Australasia Inc (EAA) is to be a supportive body for eczema sufferers and carers, to increase public awareness … View Profile

    These are the most difficult things to work out.  Usually if a product has TGA approval it has undergone the necessary testing to make sure that the ingredients used in the product are safe and effective. As to the ingestion of different substances, a reputable practitioner has the necessary training to advise correctly.  Unfortunately with eczema, what suits one person may not work for another at all - everyone has different skin so their eczema is different.

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