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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    What is erosive gastritis and does it relate to IBDU?

    I have been diagnosed after an endoscope and colonscopy last year with errosive gastritis and IBDU. I would like to know what errosive gastritis is and is it because I have IBDU. how is it treated? and can diet help with symptoms? thank you
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  • Erosive gastritis is a term encomassing a number of potential causes.

    IBDU is the situation where there are clear features of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, but there are not yet features that enable one to distinguish between Crohn disease or ulcerative colitis. Examination of the upper git (gastroscopy) and examination of the small bowel (MRI, or capsule) is required to assist in delineating the final diagnosis. However, sometimes time is the key thing - things tend to be become more clear with time (and with repeat assessments)

    Erosive gastritis isn't a characteritic feature of IBDU. Can relate to all sorts of things.

    THere are key gastric chnages that can be present in IBD, and can signifiy Crohn disease especially

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