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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    How can physiotherapy be used to manage the symptoms of MS?

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    I am currently working with MS Australia ACT/NSW/VIC as a Senior Physiotherapist and at Neuroscience Research Australia as a Research Officer under an NHMRC Post-doctoral … View Profile

    Physiotherapy can help manage a number of MS-related problems such as weakness, reduced balance, mobility and falls, to name a few. There is a good body of evidence indicating that exercises, if practiced properly, can help improve functions and cognition in people with MS. Beside general and specific exercises, a physiotherapist can prescribe assistive device such as appropriate mobility aid that can reduce the impact of musculoskeltal problems as a consequence of MS. I would strongly suggest people with MS think about contacting their physiotherapist and discuss functional problems they may have. At MS Australia ACT/NSW/VIC we have seen hundreds of MS clients every year. All these clients almost always found physiotherapy interventions helpful.

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