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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    When is it necessary to use insulin needles for type 2 diatetes?

    which is the best treatment for type 2 diabetes - tablets or insulin needles
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    Lisa Renn


    Lisa is an APD with 12 years experience, specialising in helping people identify and change habits that impact negatively on their health. Inspiring change, Lisa … View Profile

    Hi there,
    when you are first diagnosed with type 2 diabetes you may be advised to control your blood sugar levels with exercise and diet. An Accredited Practising Dietitian and Credentialled Diabetes Educator are important parts of your health team and can help you with this.
    As type 2 diabetes is a  progressive condition, if you are unable to keep your blood sugar levels within the recommended levels with diet and exercise,  your diabetes doctor (endocrinologist or GP) will prescribe oral medication (tablets). There is a set maximum dosage of the oral medication that is safe for you to take- if and when you reach the maximum dose of tablets and  your blood glucose levels are not within recommended levels insulin will be suggested as the next treatment to control blood sugar levels.
    I hope this is helpful.

  • Jock

    HealthShare Member

    thank you for help I now understand why my doctor wants me on insulin

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