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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    What are the signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism?

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  • Kirsty Woods

    Exercise Physiologist

    Hi I’m Kirsty Woods,I would like to use my experience, expertise and passion to help you reach your weight, energy and health goalsI have been … View Profile

    Signs and symptoms can differ between individuals, but some common ones include fatigue, dry skin, sensitivity to cold, weight gain, brittle finger nails and depression.  If you are concerned it is best to consult with your doctor.

  • 4


    Specializing in weight reduction, diabetes and cholesterol management, high blood pressure, GIT disorders - including IBS, coeliac disease, food intolerance and food chemical sensitivity, childhood … View Profile

    Symptoms of hypothyroidism
    The symptoms of hypothyroidism can be mild, moderate or severe. In its severest form hypothyroidism is potentially fatal and requires urgent medical treatment. Symptoms of hypothyroidism can include:

    • Fatigue and low energy levels
    • Depression
    • Slow heart rate
    • Unexplained weight gain
    • Intolerance to cold temperatures
    • Fatigued and aching muscles
    • Dry, coarse skin
    • Puffy face
    • Hair loss
    • Constipation
    • Problems with concentration
    • Goitre (enlarged thyroid gland).

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