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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Recommended diet for someone with head and neck cancer?

    Due to extreme neck pain from my cancer, I find it extremely difficult to eat and enjoy food. What foods/liquids can someone recommend to me? Something healthy, tasty and easy to swallow…
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  • Chris Fonda

    Dietitian, Nutritionist, Sports Dietitian

    As an Accredited Sports Dietitian, APD and athlete (springboard diver), Chris has both professional and personal experience in sport at the sub-elite and elite level.Chris … View Profile

    It's hard to give out dietary advice without undergoing a full dietary and lifestyle assessment. If you could tell me your symptoms, I may be able to provide you with specific advice. It sounds like you have some trouble swallowing and pain associated with this?

    If so you can try to add sauces or gravy to foods to make it easier to swallow; avoid very hot or icy cold food and drinks (room temp best); avoid acidic foods as they can sting (e.g. orange juice, tomato, citrus fruits); avoid highly spiced or salty foods; avoid dry, rough and crunchy foods; and avoid alcohol (can sting).

    What you can include is fruit nectar or blackcurrant syrup instead of citrus juice. Soft foods such as soggy weet-bix or porridge for breakfast with full fat milk. Scrambled eggs, fritata or creamy soup for lunch. Wet dishes such as casseroles, soups, stews for dinner. 

    I hope this helps a little. For more expert advice, I recommend you see an Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD) who specialises in head and neck cancers. You may like to see the one at your hospital where you were diagnosed or you can log onto and click on the “find an APD” tab.

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