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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    How do I prevent cardio vascular disease?

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    Catherine Voutier

    Health Professional

    Clinical Librarian at Melbourne Health. Part of my portfolio is to teach consumers how to find and assess medical evidence. View Profile

    There are factors you can change and factors you can't. Lifestyle factors are able to be changed. Stop smoking, lose weight, exercise, eat well and be socially active.  Keep an eye on your blood pressure, cholesterol and find out what your family history for the disease is. For a full explanation visit the Better Health Channel Heart Disease webpage at:

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    Nicole Senior

    Dietitian, Nutritionist

    I'm an Accredited Practising Dietitian and Nutritionist, consultant, author, speaker and food and health enthusiast. I love talking and writing about food and health.(please note, … View Profile

    There's a lot you can do to reduce your risk and much cardiovascualr disease (CVD) is preventable. A heart-friendly diet and regular physical activity are critical. Your food choices and eating habits are powerful strategies to lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, reduce blood glucose levels, maintain a healthy weight and reduce inflammation - all factors that contribute to CVD. Foods such as vegetables, wholegrains, legumes, fruits, nuts, seeds and fish are protective whereas too much saturated fat and salt increase your risk. Your heart is a muscle that benefits from regular workouts through physical activity and exercise- at least 30 minutes of moderate activity most days. For more information, advice, tips, eating plans and delicious recipes to help you eat well and stay active for your heart check out my book Eat to Beat Cholesterol available in bookshops and online at

  • Ashley Bigaran

    Exercise Physiologist

    I am an accredited exercise physiologist practicing in the locality of Carlton, Melbourne. My philosophy on the management and treatment of chronic and complex disease … View Profile

    To prevent the likelihood of cardiovascular disease, you should consider two very important factors: your lifestyle and your current physical activity levels. To reduce the likelihood of an adverse event, management of your diet and regular exercise participation is recommended.

    Physical activity plays an integral role in the treatment, management and prevention of cardiovascular disease. The current recommendation is 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise most days per week. This type of exercise is known as aerobic exercise and it could be in the form of walking, cycling, rowing or swimming. It is advised if you have any current cardiovascular conditions, you seek the advice of an exercise physiologist to guide and prescribe the appropriate volume, intensity and duration of exercise to help you achieve your goals.

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