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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Does resistance training offer health benefits other than building muscle?

    I am not a huge fan of cardio workouts but I really do enjoy weight training. What other benefits does weight training offer?
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  • John Toomey

    Exercise Physiologist, Personal Trainer

    I'm a down to earth practising (and fully accredited) Exercise Physiologist based in Esperance, WA. I have been a practising EP since 2004. I've been … View Profile

    Increased muscle mass = increased resting metabolic rate, which if you don't increase your energy intake will mean a reduction in body fat.
    Improved bone density - muscles pull on bones, this stimulates bone deposition making the bone stronger and less prone to fractures. Hence the big push to encourage the elderly to exercise - and why young people should do weight bearing exercise too.
    Improved posture - depending on what exercises are needed to help fix you up. This can lead to reduced head aches, reduced back pain, reduced knee pain, hip pain etc.
    Improved balance - plenty of weight training can be done in a standing position. This encourages all your muscles to operate to hold you upright and therefore improves their functioning.
    Which leads also to generalised reduction in fatigue when performing everyday tasks -stronger fitter muscles take much longer to fatigue.
    It's a very long list, those are just a few off the top of my head - Mr Google will have 100s!

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