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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Are nose bleeds related to leukaemia?

    My 10 year old son suffers from chronic nose bleeds, how do I know if this is a symptom of leukemia? Should I be worried?
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    Nose bleeds are very common in children. The vast majority are from a small superficial blood vessell in the front part of lining inside the nose on the septum (the wall which separates the nostrils). An ENT specialist can check for this and can cauterise them quite easily after some local anesthetic spray. 

    Leukaemia and blood disorders can present with easy bleeding or bruising but are much much less common than the above. So if you're doctor can see a cause of the bleeding and it gets treated you need not do any more tests. If you wanted to check for blood disorders like leukemia a full blood count  (blood test) is a starting point. 

    Hope this helps

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