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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    I have a thyroid nodule which may be a cancer, what is the usual treatment?

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    A/Prof Anthony Glover is an experienced Endocrine Surgeon and Surgical Oncologist who specialises in treating people with thyroid and parathyroid diseases. He is recognised internationally … View Profile

    Treatment for thyroid cancer can take a number of forms depending on the type of cancer, its location in the thyroid, the risk of the cancer growing and your preferences for treatment. Treatment can range from active surveillance or ultrasound monitoring for small low risk cancers to surgery. Sometimes after surgery radioactive iodine treatment is given for further treatment. Surgery for thyroid cancer can involve removing half (hemi-thyroidectomy) or the whole thyroid (total thyroidectomy). Given the number of treatment options it is important to consider each option carefully and to see a specialist who is in an expert in treating thyroid cancer and has experience with all options.

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