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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Sarcoidosis & COVID-19

    I was diagnosed with pulmonary sarcoidosis in 1999. With this current outbreak of the coronavirus I am quite concerned. I’ve just recently, last 3 months, been back for more tests regarding my sarcoidosis. I've done cardiac MRI, lung function test, skin prick test and seen a rheumatologist & ophthalmologist. I last saw my specialist, for the results, at the end of February & he advised that no medication is required but that I need follow up appointments in 6 months.

    I’m a courier driver & am in contact with people all the time. I’m employed on a casual basis & I would like to know if I should carry on as normal, with good hygiene being my main priority, or if I should lay low, so to speak. I’m really worried about not working because of the money side of things but I don’t want to put myself at risk. Any advice would be appreciated.
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    Dr Amandeep Hansra

    GP (General Practitioner)

    What is known about COVID-19 is that those with a chronic medical illness are potentially at higher risk of getting more serious symptoms. It would be wise to follow all the advice that has been published by the Australian Department of Health regarding social distancing, minimising non-essential contact with others, and increased hygiene measures. This will reduce your chances of catching and spreading the virus.

    Talk to your specialist if you have further concerns about your current condition. It is also advised that you speak to your employer about any measures they can put in place to protect you. If you do feel sick make sure you stay at home.

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