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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Braces off, wire broken twice, gap front teeth permanent, what should I do?

    My daughter had braces for a Class 11 division 1 malocclusion, spacing 5 mm top and bottom; dental bite over jet 5 mm. Two front teeth skin tag surgically removed. Dentist advised simple case, confident in providing the orthodontic treatment and reassured with imaging end result of a beautiful even, no gap smile. We were compliant with treatments. Braces were removed no gaps visible initially. In the last 6 months: Two retainers cracked. Fixed wire retainer x two snapped. Top teeth protruding, gap between two front teeth widening. Dentist replaced wire for third time, says scar tissue too strong cannot close gap. My daughter is devastated, I feel this is unsatisfactory. Also I have had to pay for the additional broken appliances. Awkward as dentist is a nice person I do not want to sue. Please advise, what to do next to get the best outcome. Is this common? Satisfactory? Should the dentist reimburse part of the money to pay for an orthodontist to fix the problem.
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