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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Will tanning salons cause skin cancer?

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    I am a 22 year old female and do not tan very easily. Thus, I usually like to maintain a year-round “glow” by making regular visits to the tanning salon. I usually go twice a week for 10 minutes each time. Am I going to get skin cancer?
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    Dr Woods is an accomplished Plastic Surgeon, caring for children and adults in Adelaide, who have cosmetic concerns or require reconstruction after cancer or injuries. … View Profile

    Tanning beds are linked to a higher rate of melanoma skin cancers in scientific studies.  
    Some states are moving to make these illegal in the near future.
    As a plastic surgeon who treats melanoma every week, please don't use these.
    It is much safer to use a fake tan to help your appearance (remembering of course that these do not protect your from sunburn or skin cancers, but just provide the nice ‘glow’ you are after).

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    Plastic, Reconstructive and Cosmetic Surgery Hand Surgery Skin cancer and melanoma surgery Breast Surgery View Profile


    There is some evidence showing that there is an increased rate of skin cancer adn melanoma in people who attend tanning booths.  You are giving your body a concentrated dose of UV radiation which damages cells and will cause premature aging.  Doing this on a regular basis will increase your risk of skin cancer.

    Stephen Salerno

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