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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Do I have social phobia?

    Ever since I was young, I have been very self conscious of myself in public. I feel very embarassed walking around the shopping centre by myself, eating at a restaurant on my own and get very nervous speaking in front of a crowd. Some of my friends experience similar things but where is the line drawn between what is normal and what is considered social phobia?
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  • Grace Gonzalez

    Counsellor, Psychotherapist

    I am a counsellor with over two decades of experience working with non-for-profit organisations, private organizations, secondary education, community health services, and private practice in … View Profile

    You will probably be the best person to assess this and conclude whether you have or have not social phobia. Always take into consideration that we are not all extroverts and it is not necessary to be one in order to be in social settings. Phobia refers to an extreme fear which leads to avoidance at all cost to being exposed to a certain thing in this case social settings.
    Do you enjoy the experience or do you dread it?
    IS there anything about the social setting you enjoy or is it 100 percent avoided due to the intense anxiety?
    Is the isolation you create due to the avoidance of social settings unbearable you might have a phobia.

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