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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    What are the symptoms of Insomnia?

    I have trouble sleeping at nigth, how do i know if this is insomnia? what are the key signs?
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  • The Sleep Health Foundation is dedicated to raising awareness of the importance of ‘valuing sleep’ as part of a healthy lifestyle alongside regular exercise, a … View Profile

    The key symptoms of insomnia are:
    Trouble getting to sleep, or
    Trouble staying asleep, or
    Waking feeling unrefreshed
    There are many things that can cause sleep to be disturbed in this way, such as physical illness or lifestyle and behavioural factors. So, if you have had trouble with sleep for more than a month, and can't identify any clear trigger that you can change or address, it is important to discuss your sleep difficulty with your doctor. Very effective treatments, that don't necessarily involve medication, such as cognitive behavioural therapy, are available.
    For more information on insomnia click here.

  • Joe Gubbay

    Clinical Psychologist, Counsellor, Psychologist, Psychotherapist

    I have worked in public hospitals as well as private practice over the past 25 years. As a clinical psychologist I treat depression, social anxiety, … View Profile

    Insomnia really is just the label for having trouble sleeping - so I'd say you've got it!  

    In “Primary Insomnia”, the trouble sleeping is the main complaint.  This is distinguished from disturbed sleep that is a consequence of some other problem, such as depression or anxiety, or even a physical medical condition.  

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