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  • Shared Experiences

    I'm 31 and just been diagnosed with endometriosis

    Just wanted to see if there is actually anyone active on here. Have you been diagnosed or trying to get there? How long have you been dealing with this? Where are you from? I was just diagnosed 3 days ago. Been dealing with severe pain for a year and did every other test to rule out all others before getting here. I'm 31 and a USa citizen living in the Nt for 3 years as we are military.
    • 1 comment
    • Nicky7
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  • Nicky7

    HealthShare Member

    Hi there, I'm Nicky…. I was searching for info on different ways to cope with endometriosis and came across this site which I think is awesome to be able to talk to other girls with the same problem. I was diagnosed when I was in high school, I am now 29, I've had 4 laparoscopies and 1 laparotomy……and still in unbearable pain. 
    Feel free to ask me anything in regards to this as I would love to help others out in hope their lives aren't destroyed, like mine has been, by this awful disease.
    Stay positive!


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