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  • Shared Experiences

    I am 24 years old with severe PCOS. Can I have children naturally?

    Hi all.

    My name is Amy and I am 24 years old. I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 16 and have had difficulties ever since. My biggest issue is that I was told that because of the severity of my PCOS I cannot have children naturally and that IVF may not work either. I come from a big family and I have always imagined bringing my children to the big family get togethers we have every year. To be told that I may never have a child was a severe blow.

    Also, every since I hit puberty I have had issues controlling and losing weight. I have tried everything I can think of to lose weight with no success. Maybe you can help. It is very frustrating watching my brothers and my sister plough through huge amounts of food (both healthy and junk) and not gain one damn ounce. I try to eat small, healthy meals full of nutrients, but no matter what I do the weight goes on. I have not seen my toes in years.

    So my questions are:Am I being silly to consider being a SMC?Is there any way to lose weight without taking meal replacement shakes or undergoing surgery?Haas anyone tried IVF with PCOS with success?How did you cope without an understanding family? (if this is true for you)

    I hope you can help me. Cheers.
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  • Arlene is a registered practising dietitian, with a private practice in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney, and has built a strong business over the last … View Profile

    HI Amy  Have you seem a gynaecologist? I have seen numerous girls your age that have lost weight with PCO's.  Often you need to be put on medication like metformin which assists with weight loss.  Eat small portions and watch your carbohydrate intake.  At least an hour of aerobic exercixe a day is recommended. I suggest you see a dietetic professional who specialises in this area.  When yo do lose weight with exercise and diet the symptoms improve. Don't lose heart you can overcome the complications but it need s a lot of determination.

  • Amy Ashworth

    HealthShare Member

    Thanks Arlene,

    My GP doesn't want to send me to a dietician. But I guess I should ask her to refer me to a government funded dietician (if there is one). I survive (at the moment) on centrelink benefits and there isn't enough left over for any extras.

    I have tried several diets and I have been told how to lose weight by several people - many of those people are SEVERELY overweight, so why should I listen to them - but I guess I need something written down for me to follow.

    Thanks again Arlene.

  • Nicky @team healthshare

    HealthShare Member

    Hi Amy,

    I've just been reading the thread and thought I would say hello! What is a typical daily diet for you? “a day in the life of Amy”? I'm pretty healthy and have a bit of knowledge in the area so i may be able to suggest some hints or things you could substitute which could make a difference. Hope i can help!



  • Women's Health Queensland Wide provides free health information for Queensland women. View Profile

    Hi Amy,

    If you are living in Queensland it may be helpful to contact our health information line where you can speak to a Women's Health Educator about PCOS. The staff on this service are Registered Nurses and provide evidence based Health Information. You can reach them by email at or telephone 1800 017 676.

    You may be interested in the forthcoming POSAA conference in Melbourne-Living with PCOS-positive actions, positive outcomes on th 15 and 16th of October. There will be informative presentations by Australia's leading PCOS specialists, interactive workshop sessions, fun practical exercise sessions and the opportunity to have all your PCOS questions answered in one place. To register visit

    I hope this helps


    Queensland delegate for POSAA

    Health Promotion Officer

    Women’s Health Queensland Wide

    Please note that all health information provided by Women’s Health Queensland Wide is subject to this disclaimer


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