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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    When should I see a specialist if have a thyroid nodule?

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    A/Prof Anthony Glover

    Endocrine Surgeon

    A/Prof Anthony Glover is an experienced Endocrine Surgeon and Surgical Oncologist who specialises in treating people with thyroid and parathyroid diseases. He is recognised internationally … View Profile

    Thyroid nodules are common and usually are small but can grow to be large. Often thyroid nodules are detected incidentally or accidentally when you have an ultrasound of your neck. You should see a specialist if you have symptoms from a thyroid nodule such as difficult swallowing, a change in voice, pressure in the neck or difficulty breathing. Another reason to see a specialist is if the thyroid nodules causes symptoms from producing too much thyroid hormone which can cause difficulty sleeping, a racing heart and irritability. You should also see a specialist if the thyroid nodule is suspected to be a cancer of the thyroid which can be suggested on an ultrasound scan or if the nodule is larger than 4cm. Specialists with expertise in assessing thyroid nodules include Endocrine Surgeons, Endocrinologists and ENT Surgeons.

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