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    I have terrible problems with my memory. Is this related to my epilepsy?

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  • Established in 1952, Epilepsy Action Australia provides education and support for people with epilepsy, their families and community, and professional groups. These services promote self-management … View Profile

    Memory difficulties in people with epilepsy are very common and people often ask as about this. There are a number of reasons why people with epilepsy may have memory problems.

    • Seizures. A seizure disrupts brain function, and most people have no or little memory for the seizure, and possibly minutes or hours before and/or after the seizure. People with frequent seizures are more at risk of memory difficulties. Any epileptic activity in the brain in-between seizures can also contribute to memory problems, particularly temporal lobe epilepsy as this area of the brain supports a large portion of memory function.

    • Antiseizure medications (ASMs). These can affect memory functioning in some people. It varies according to dose and how many ASMs are being taken. The higher the dose and if more than one medication is being taken, then there may be more chance of memory problems happening.

    • Any brain abnormality such as scar tissue or a lesion can disrupt the memory process if it is located in the part of the brain responsible for memory.

    Click here for more information on Memory and Epilepsy: :

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