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  • Sponsored Q&A

    What can I expect at a 6 or 7 week ultrasound?

    I'm 6 weeks pregnant, what ultrasound scans will I have and what can I expect?
    • 1 answer
    • Dr Caroline Hoggenmueller
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  • As a consultant gynecologist, Dr. Caroline is a medical doctor who specializes in the female reproductive system, including the vagina, uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes. … View Profile

    For many women, the pregnancy ultrasound at 7 weeks or thereabouts is their first chance to see the formation of a baby in utero. You will be asked to have plenty to drink before you attend the clinic for your scan because when you have a full bladder it can make the ultrasound clearer. The radiographer will check for the presence of a heartbeat, check that your baby is growing in the right place and assess fetal growth and development. The scan can also determine your baby’s due date and if you are pregnant with more than one baby.

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