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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Random bouts of vomiting in child

    My 11 year old son has had random bouts of vomiting on and off for 7 or 8 years. Nothing I can pinpoint seems to trigger these.

    We have seen a few paediatricians and they have done blood, urine and stool samples. He was treated for some bacteria that causes ulcers. I was also told that it is normal for a child to vomit but this is way more though. He is back to normal within 2 hours after the episodes and wants to eat again but is just extremely tired. There is a family history of Crohn's disease but I was told that because my son is growing normally and he doesn't have Crohn's disease. He has never been tested.

    What should I do? I would like to find the cause. We are waiting for an appointment with a paediatrician.
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