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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    What can a physiotherapist do to relieve my rheumatoid arthritis?

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    Jane Watson


    Jane Watson is a leading physiotherapist based in the Upper North Shore servicing locations like Wahroonga, Pymble, Turramurra, Gordon, Thornleigh and surrounding suburbs. Jane's approach … View Profile

    Each case needs to be assessed prior to any exercise programme, but in general, gentle exercise can improve muscle function, promote circulation and help prevent stiffness in RA.

    We would also aim to improve the person’s general level of mobility and function.

    Management advice, regarding how much activity a person can do, how to manage flare ups and what they should avoid is also important. Sometimes walking aids or splinting may be indicated to ‘unload’ the joints. Hydrotherapy can be good.

    The emphasis is on gentle exercise.

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