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  • Shared Experiences

    Are my moods rollercoaster moods peri-menopause?

    I NEED HELP! I am 43 and have had peri-menopause symptoms for almost 5 years. They ruined a six year relationship with my mood swings and lack of zest for life. I'm 6 months into a new relationship and he's ready to kick me to the curb because of my roller coaster moods, It's gotten so bad and I don't know what to do. I truly feel like I am losing my mind,
    • Mariela Occelli
    • helenbeee
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    Mariela Occelli

    Clinical Psychologist, Psychologist

    Mariela Occelli is a Clinical Psychologist with well over 20 years experience in the assessment and treatment of clinical disorders. She has worked in private … View Profile

    It sounds as though your hormones are wrecking havock with your moods! You feel prisoner to your mood swings and they have cost you important relationships. If you have not already consulted your GP about it, it may be time for a visit as he or she may be able to prescribe medications which can have a mood regulating effect. Your GP will also be able to refer you to a Clinical Psychologist who can assess your symptoms and diagnose the problem, and help you develop strategies to break out of this viscious cycle.  Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and Mindfulness strategies are some examples of therapies which have been scientifically researched and proven to be efective in addressing the kind of problem you are having.
    Mariela Occelli- Clinical Psychologist

  • helenbeee

    HealthShare Member

    Im having the same problems Ive always been a bit of a worrier and a little anxious but now with the onset of menopause Im afflicted with panic attacks and major anxiety. Its horrible I have the adrenalin fear waves all day everyday heart palpitations nausea lightheaded and dizziness. Its like the floodgates have opened and I am powerless to stop it I just dont seem to be able to reason myself out of it. :(


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