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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    How much, on average, do breast augmentations cost?

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    Dr Anh Nguyen

    Plastic Surgeon

    Dr Anh Nguyen (MBBS (Hons) PGradDipSurgAnat FRACS (Plast)) is a highly qualified, Australian-trained and registered Plastic, Reconstructive and Cosmetic Surgeon based in Perth, WA. She … View Profile

    The average cost of breast enlargement surgery in Australia is $12000 and includes the fee for the surgeon, anaesthetist, breast implants and hospital fees. However, the cost can range from $10,000-$18,000 depending on who is performing the surgery, the type of breast implants used and where and how the surgery is performed. It is best to see a few plastic surgeons for a consultation and then ask for a quote from each surgeon based on their assessment as each case is different.

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    Dr Mark McGovern

    Plastic Surgeon

    Hi, my name is Mark McGovern. I am a qualified Cosmetic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon. I have been in practice on the Sunshine Coast since … View Profile

    The cost of breast augmentation can vary enormously according to the following :
    1. Whether you have chosen a doctor with surgical qualifications. It may seem impossible that people are passing themselves off as surgeons when they're not in Australia, but it happens all the time! The only surgical qualification recognised in Australia is FRACS (Fellow of the Royal Austrlian College of Surgeons), make sure your surgeon has these letters behind his/ her name!
    2. The type of implants chosen. These vary from as little as $660 a pair to $3300 a pair. When implanting something into your body, you want the best! This is not a time to choose the cheap option, and the recent PIP debacle is testimony to this.
    3. Where your procedure is performed. To reduce the risk of problems, ensure your procedure is performed in a dedicated operating theatre in a hospital - NOT in the back room of an office building.
    4. Whether you have a trained anaesthetist or a GP doing your anaesthetic. Like choosing a surgeon, you want the correct qualifications. Would you pay a gardener to build your house?
    So, if you want the best result, you need to do some research, and understand the cheap does not equal good. Expect to pay upward of $11,000 inclusive of GST.

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