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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    What are the symptoms of temporomandibular joint disorder?

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    Dr Barbara Szylkarski has 18 years experience in private practice dentistry for adults and children. She has also worked alongside one of brisbanes renowned prosthodontists, … View Profile

    One of the most commonly presenting symptoms, and the one that most often makes people seek treatement,  is headache.  This can sometimes extend to neck ache as well.

    Facial Pain is also commonly reported particularly on opening and closing the mouth, this pain can be felt spontaneously or when you push on the jaw joints and palpate the muscles of the jaw.

    ENT specialists very often refer patients to their Dentist, as they present to the ENT specialist with ear problems.  Ear problems include pain in the ear or ear ache, a muffled, clogged feeling in the ears and/or a ringing in the ears known as tinnitus.   The ENT is unable to find anything actually wrong with the ears and often suspects some type of TMJ disorder. 

    Less often a vaque dizzy feeling may also be felt.

    Grinding, clicking and popping of the Jaw joint may also be noticed on opening and closing of the jaw.  This is known as crepitus.  Sometimes the Jaw cannot be opened widely creating difficulties with eating and speaking.

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