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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Can someone with asthma still exercise regularly?

    My 16 year old son has asthma. Is it still OK for him to participate in the soccer league? (they practice every day of the week and it is quite intense)
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    Zac Jefcoate

    Exercise Physiologist

    Zac Jefcoate is the owner of Exzac Health Solutions. He was one of three accredited exercise physiologist practicing in G.P super clinics in Western Australia. … View Profile

    I would say the immediate answer to this would actually be no at this stage depending on the severity of his asthma, if it is mild, moderate, or severe. That means that if it's mild asthma, he can exercise possibly using his Ventolin only one to two times during a session.

    If he is using his Ventolin more than two to four times a session during soccer, then he needs to have a preventer. So, in terms of exercising every day, I believe that would be probably counterproductive at this stage. He needs to look at possibly exercising two to three times a week at a given intensity.

    The question is, can someone with asthma exercise regularly? That's definitely yes. The other question is, what type of asthma do they have? Is it exercise-induced? Is it mild, is it moderate, or is it severe? People with mild asthma can exercise regularly providing they've got the right medication and the right exercise program.

    People with moderate to severe asthma may need to have an assessment with an exercise physiologist to determine what is the best exercise for them given their specific asthma condition and their asthma control?

    The final point, and the most important point is you have to control your asthma before the exacerbation. Otherwise, exercise can make it worse.

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