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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    How can I manage gastritis on a daily basis?

    What can I do to manage the symptoms of gastritis on a daily basis? (diet/nutrition, behaviours, activities…)
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    Lyn Christian


    As a Naturopath and Nutritionist I am passionate about the promotion of health using functional foods to correct nutrient imbalances.All health conditions need to be … View Profile

    Gastritis is an inflammation of the lining of the stomach. Acute gastritis for instance, may come about after surgery or a severe infection. Chronic gastritis may be the result of Helicobacter Pylori or an autoimmune condition. As there are numerous other causes it’s important to be tested for the specific cause of the gastritis so that treatment may be individualised.

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    Amber Furbank


    Amber is an Accredited Clinical Nutritionist who enjoys providing nutritional advice by way of wholefoods and supplementation to support optimal health. Amber is a firm … View Profile

    As stated above, gastritis can be caused by many things.  Another cause for gastritis could be irritation due to use of NSAIDS (such as Aspirin or Ibuprofen).   It is important you be examined, preferably by a gastroenterologist, to determine the exact cause. 

    Some natural ways to deal with this sometimes debilitating condition include avoiding any food or drink that aggravates your symptoms. These will vary from person to person but can include tomatoes, dairy, wheat, alcohol, coffee, red meat and citrus fruits.  Not everybody reacts to these. Again, it differs between individuals. 

    Futher, ginger is known to ease symptoms. It soothes the stomach as well as providing relief from any nausea that can also be experienced with gastritis.  You could consume this by way of ginger tea or juice, ginger in cooking or ginger root supplements.  

    A very effective home treatment is organic apple cider vingar.  You can include this in salad dressings or you may drink it diluted in a glass of water before meals.  This soothes the stomach and balances the natural pH.

    Something that is very important but overlooked is the correct balance of bacteria in the digestive system, which can lead to gastritis symptoms.  In this case it is always beneficial to include a good quality probiotic to ensure the correct ratio of bacteria is present, which results in maximised nutrient absorbtion. 

    These are a few tips you can use in order to alleviate any flares and bring some relief until the cause is discovered.  

    Hope this is of some help. 

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