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  • Shared Experiences

    Vulval Dermatitis

    Dermatitis is the most common cause of chronic vulval symptoms. The main initial symptom of dermatitis is itching. Scratching the area can result in broken skin, burning of stinging and pain during sex. Treatment for dermatitis usually involves the use of a weak topical corticosteroid cream. Cool compresses and antihistamines may be used to bring relief form symptoms. If the dermatitis is thought to be due to an allergy or irritant, it is important that attempts are made to identify the source.


    Women’s Health Educator

    Health Information Line, Women’s Health Queensland Wide

    Women living in Queensland can also call our Health Information Line - a free information and referral service for Queensland women - on 3839 9988 or 1800 017 676 (toll free outside Brisbane).

    Please note that all health information provided by Women’s Health Queensland Wide is subject to this disclaimer
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