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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    What are the causes of Carotid Artery Disease?

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  • Dr Brendan Stanley is a Vascular and Endovascular Surgeon with over 25 years' experience. He practices in Perth, Murdoch and Mandurah, Western Australia. Brendan has … View Profile

    1 Smoking - irritates the lining of the arteries, affects blood pressure and heart rate.

    2 Hypertension - high blood pressure weakens the arterial wall.

    3 Hyperlipidemia - high cholesterol is a major risk for atherosclerosis.

    4 Age - arteries become rigid and more prone to damage.

    5 Diabetes - elevated sugar in the blood is associated with damage to the cells lining arteries leading to atherosclerosis and blockage of arteries.

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