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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    How Many Times Can I Get a Facelift?

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  • Dr Scott Turner has spent several years acquiring the qualifications, education, training, and hands-on surgical experience to perform cosmetic plastic surgery. Dr Scott J Turner … View Profile

    There is no hard limit to how many facelifts a person can have over their lifetime. However, multiple facelifts should be spaced out adequately to allow for full recovery between surgeries and to ensure that the skin and underlying tissues remain healthy. The number of facelifts an individual can have also depends on factors like skin quality, facial anatomy, and age. Some patients may undergo two or three facelifts over their lifetime, typically spaced about 7 to 10 years apart.

    Each successive facelift must be approached with extra caution since repeated procedures on the same tissues can increase the risk of complications like scarring or poor skin elasticity. Dr Turner assesses each case individually to ensure that further surgeries will provide a safe and effective outcome.

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