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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Can I Reduce the Risk of Pregnancy Complications?

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  • Dr Steven Hatzikostas

    Gynaecologist, Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialist, Obstetrician

    Dr. Steven Hatzikostas has been a Melbourne resident all his life. He undertook his tertiary education at The University of Melbourne and is a graduate … View Profile

    Complications and risks can develop in any pregnancy and may be completely unrelated to the mother’s medical condition or age. There are however some easy ways to reduce the chance of complications. Obvious steps include stopping smoking and alcohol intake. It also is a good idea to get up to date with vaccines, rubella, influenza, chickenpox and whooping cough. Getting your weight into a healthy BMI range (less than 30) will also mean risks during pregnancy and birth is reduced.

    Please don’t hesitate to call and discuss any concerns or ask questions with our Practice Managers who can schedule an appointment with Dr Steven. All information is treated with the greatest respect and utmost privacy.

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