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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    How can I relieve pain and discomfort in my foot and ankle without surgery?

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  • Dr O’Carrigan is a Sydney born-and-raised orthopaedic surgeon who has more than 25 years of orthopaedic surgical experience and a subspecialty interest in foot and … View Profile

    This will entirely depend on the cause of the pain. Close attention to footwear is important. If you have persistent pain and discomfort in your foot and ankle where the cause is not known or obvious, then it is best to see a foot and ankle surgeon so that an accurate diagnosis can be made. Once that is achieved then you can explore non-operative treatments more effectively. These can take the form of foot wear modification, physiotherapy, podiatric treatment, strapping, bracing, injections, simple analgesics and anti-inflammatories.

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