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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    I am worried I won’t be able to breastfeed. Do you know lactation consultants in case there is a problem?

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  • Dr Mike Kamara

    Gynaecologist, Gynaecologist - Infertility (IVF) Specialist, Obstetrician

    Dr Kamara provides a range of Obstetrics , Fertility and Gynaecological services at both Joondalup Private Hospital and Joondalup Health Campus and offers a "No … View Profile

    Yes, lactation is a big part of a successful pregnancy. We recognise this and have partnered with “lactation your way” to help.

    You will be offered an appointment early in the pregnancy.

    It is also worth noting that many of the midwives that will look after you are also experienced lactation consultants.

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