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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    What is a Wireless Esophageal pH Test (Bravo Test)?

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  • Dr Ali Zad


    Dr Ali Zad is a Gastroenterologist that consults on a broad range of gastroenterological conditions. Dr Zad completed his medical training in 2002. He continued … View Profile

    If you have acid reflux, your doctor might recommend wireless esophageal pH test, also known as Bravo pH test, to measure acidity in the esophagus (the passageway between your mouth and stomach). Wireless pH testing is a minimally invasive test to help diagnose and assess symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and effectiveness of GERD treatment. Using an endoscope (a narrow tube with a camera) while you are under sedation, a doctor clips a small capsule (about a size of a pencil eraser) to the lower part of your esophagus. The sensor probe in the capsule measures and records acid levels (pH) at that location over time, and the transmitter sends the information to a recording device you wear on a belt. Your doctor downloads this data and uses it to assess the severity of the reflux.

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