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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    How does robotic knee replacement work and what are the benefits of this type of surgery?

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  • Dr Sarah O’Reilly-Harbidge is an Orthopaedic Surgeon with a special interest in Hip and Knee surgery as well as Orthopaedic Oncology who consults and operates … View Profile

    Some people might be put off by the idea of a robot operating on them, understandably. But that's not what happens in this kind of surgery, the robot is only there to provide assistance. Knee replacement using robotics works very similarly to regular total or partial knee replacement surgery, where the damaged tissue is removed and replaced with an artificial joint. What's different is that your surgeon will receive assistance from a robotic arm or handheld robotic device. Robot assistance brings many benefits to the surgery and helps your surgeon perform the operation. Benefits include advanced surgical planning, optimal type of replacement joint, optimal joint placement, high levels of precision.

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