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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Do I need therapy? How does it help?

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  • Morag Paterson is a warm, friendly and empathic Counselling Psychologist. She puts her clients at ease and is committed to helping them overcome their difficulties … View Profile

    If you are struggling with your emotions, thoughts or certain behaviours are causing you problems then therapy can help. Dealing with challenges alone can be difficult, overwhelming and cause suffering. Talking with a professional can be very powerful in changing your mood and mindset. It helps by giving you a clearer understanding of your problems. When people fully understand their problems, they can feel a significant relief and a sense of validation. Therapy helps identify what thoughts or behaviours may be maintaining the problem. Therapists can then use or teach strategies about how to implement change. The relationship with your therapist is paramount in helping you feel safe, understood and connected in your work together. Different things work for different people so it may be about giving therapy a go and seeing if you find it helpful.

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