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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Could I have trichomoniasis?

    I had a STD test that was negative but worried I have trich.

    My girlfriend had a pap-smear and the doc said it looked like a infection and looks like trich. On my test it didn't mention trich at all. The test was done 7 days after sex. Could I have something? ?
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  • Dr Aitken's areas of interest include HIV medicine, sexually transmissible infections, skin conditions affecting the genitals, and gender medicine. He offers discrete, specialist consultations in … View Profile

    Trichomoniasis is caused by the parasite Trichomonas vaginalis

    It is a sexually transmissible infection that can cause discharge and itching in women, and urethritis in men. For many women, and almost all men with trichomoniasis, the infection is asymptomatic or 'silent'. Trichomonas can cause pregnancy complications, and increases pelvic infection. 

    Trichomonas is sometimes detected on Pap smears, although this only picks up 60% of infections. Trichomonas can be more accurately diagnosed using a nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT). It is not a routine part of sexual health checks in most parts of Australia. 

    If your partner has trichomonas on her Pap smear, you should both be treated. The treatment is a single dose of a specific antibiotic:either metronidazole or tinidazole. If your girlfriend has a pelvic infection, she will need a longer course of treatment and the addition of other antibiotics 

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