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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    Can I get a tummy tuck after a emergency C section?

    I have lost a lot of weight due to a gastric sleeve procedure 3 years ago, I had my son in 2002, and I was seeing the midwife all the way up to the birth of my son I was told that everything is going to plan with his positioning, upon seeing the actual doctor he told me that the baby was breach and I needed an emergency c section ASAP so the next day after I had undergone a c section, I felt very robbed of this and now I am left with an apron we the scar is, and due to the weight loss it looks worse than before, so I was told that a tummy tuck could be covered under Medicare because of the circumstances, some advice on this would be great.
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    HealthShare Member

    I'm in the exact same position and would love to know!

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    Dr Amjadi completed his schooling and university studies in Adelaide, and completed his surgical training in Sydney. He has been in private practice for more … View Profile

    Dear member

    There is a provision in Medicare for an abdominoplasty after massive weight loss. A slightly modified abdominoplasty may be needed to account for previous c-section.

    I suggest you consult a Specialist and do your research before choosing a surgeon. 

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    Dr Jill Tomlinson is a fully qualified plastic, reconstructive and hand surgeon. After graduating dux in her year at University High School, Jill completed medical … View Profile

    Thank you for your question and congratulations on your weight loss, Vonnie77. Many women report difficulties with an apron after childbirth or significant weight loss, as Butterflywings' comment shows. The difficulties can include rashes, discomfort, difficulty with clothing and exercise, feelings of embarrassment and low self-esteem.

    There is a Medicare rebate for tummy tuck surgery (“abdominoplasty”) and if you have private health insurance that means that your insurer will likely cover the cost of your stay in a private hospital. You can check phoning your health insurer and asking if you are covered for the Medicare Item Number 30177. 

    There are generally out of pocket costs for surgery, which may include fees from the surgeon and anaesthetist, for compression garments and for scar management products.

    I hope this information helps to answer your questions.

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    Dr John Mahony studied Medicine at Sydney University 1980-1984 graduating early 1985. Internship and residency years followed in the Illawarra, covering general medical and surgical … View Profile

    It is  presumed that you aren't having any more children, but, if this is the case, then on balance abdominoplasty seems the right course.

    Remember there *will* be scars, likely longer than your c-section scarring. Your belly-button will likely need work, and might not look quite right afterwards, but likely better than now.

    Better is better.

  • Carmela Cassar- Mence

    HealthShare Member

    I would like to know also ,I had sleeve in 2009 & have pain in my lower back & hips from tummy pulling down . I would like to know dose private health cover , pay for this to be rectified under health issues & would they pay for it instead if being out of pocket as it's a health issue & causing health issues .can you help me I'm in Victoria 

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    Carmela Cassar- Mence

    HealthShare Member

    What I am trying to say is can I get the tummy tuck for free under medical reasons & if yes how & where . It causes me great pain & discomfort. I lost 45 Klo & need to loose more but this restricts me at times .feeling unwell about it would love to get both tummy tuck & breast lift was 26 G lost lot of my Brest still have quite large Brest have shoulder pain often 

  • Dr Amjadi completed his schooling and university studies in Adelaide, and completed his surgical training in Sydney. He has been in private practice for more … View Profile

    Dear Carmela

    I am not aware of any options of getting the surgery you require for 'free'. You can use your private health fund to cover  significant portion of the fees, but there will always be a 'gap'.

    I suggest you consult a Specialist and do your research before choosing a surgeon.

    All the best

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