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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    How to deal with the pain assoc with PCOS?

    Ive been suffering for over 10yrs with diganosed PCOS, but the pelvic pain seems to get worse year by year.
    My latest ultrasound showed an increase in cysts, with well over 40 on each ovary.
    I take metformin and neuofen period pain and also my gp has put me on morbic and stomic. To reduce the cramps and refulx I get from it.
    Is there anything else I can do?
    I find after sitting 30+mins I start getting pelvic pain around my ovaries thats like a throbbing pressure pain and when I strech out or stand up from sitting I find it hard to “unfold” myself as my whole pelvic area tenses.
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  • Offering both Hypnotherapy and Counselling for my clients is a double opportunity to change unwanted feelings, thoughts, behaviours and reactions. Accessing both the conscious and … View Profile

    Clinical Hypnotherapy has assisted many women who have this painful disorder.  The therapist can educate you how to break the cycle of pain both physically and emotionally. For example the therapist may implement deep breathing and physical tension and relaxation methods. Then utilize hypnotherapy to assist you change your subconscious mind set of  the past painful PCOS experiences as well as the anticipation of future pain, to a more comfortable and acceptable level. As you suffer more pain after sitting for 30+minutes, is it possible for you to move about or stand and stretch BEFORE that time to avoid the throbbing pressure pain? If not perhaps you could try tightening the muscles in your lower torso, and holding that pressure for a few seconds then releasing the muscles while sitting. At the same time that you tighten the muscles, inhale and hold your breath, then exhale as you release the muscle tension. Try this a few times once again BEFORE the pain builds. 
    You did not indicate if you had consulted a specialist for the PCOS, if you have not, it may be worth you considering asking your GP for a referral.
    Naturopathic treatments often render positive results for many women too.
    Trusting you have a pain free future.

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