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  • Shared Experiences

    Women and Heart disease!

    Years ago it was believed that Heart disease was typically an ‘old mans’ disease .. well .. not any more! Heart disease and heart attacks are common in women, just as much as in men. Years ago many women stayed at home, raising a family. They ate home cooked food, they didn't drive cars, they walked and got regular exercise and led healthier lifestyles. They had very little stress and they had support from other women and family members. This has changed . Since us women fought for ‘equal rights’ and got in there to do the hard yards, we wanted to be as hard working as men and work long hours, get stressed and still come home and cook, clean wash and do everything … because WE CAN!! We can do it all!!  …. We eat on the run, we get very little rest, no time to exercise and we keep doing it until we pay the price!

    And the price is high…. Heart attacks in women! Studies shows that more women die from Heart disease than breast cancer. More women die following a heart attack than men. Women often don't present with typical heart attack symptoms and quite often, ignore early signs of heart disease or heart attacks. Some doctors still think women are less likely to have a heart attack at a young age. Women can present with very mild symptoms yet have a massive heart attack. Sometimes they get misdiagnosed and sent home from doctors surgeries or emergency departments.

    Prevention is better than cure! In this instance …anything is better than a heart attack!

    Let me tell you that heart attacks can happen to anyone .. you can be as young as 25. If you carry any 2 risk factors for heart disease like, high blood pressure / high cholesterol/lipids / Diabetes / family history / cigarettes smoking / overweight - then you must have a heart health check. Tests that will give you an indication about your heart arteries would also be beneficial.

    My message today is for women out there - INVEST IN YOUR HEALTH!  If something happens to you, your whole family suffers. Most women usually place themselves at the lower end of the priority list until something serious happens.You should be at the top of the priority list! If you love your family and you enjoy being aorund them .. ensure your heart can run the race to the very end.

    Don't loose the race and take charge.

    Having seen many women die from heart attacks and  how people suffer during a heart attack from the pain, the agony and the stress caused to the family…. I take personal precautions and have regular heart health checks. Because I LOVE LIFE  I will not let a heart attack rob me from being here to share my life with the people I love. I hope you feel the same.

    Enjoy life .. keep your heart beating!!

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