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1 Hamilton Place
Mount Waverley VIC 3149
Soundfair is a non-profit organisation committed to hearing equality and to transforming the experience and wellbeing of all people with hearing conditions. We do this by amplifying their diverse voices, focusing on the whole person and catalysing change across the system and society in order to achieve our vision of a fair – fulfilling, accessible, inclusive and respectful – world for people with hearing conditions.

We believe that hearing conditions are about more than just ears and require more than just devices. Centring stories of lived experience in every aspect of our work, we work collaboratively with individuals and communities, together with professionals in the hearing services sector, to engage, empower and catalyse change.

Our projects include research and development; using human-centred design to reimagine hearing care; workplace, community and professional education; offering independent advice and hearing care services and providing reconditioned hearing aids to people who would otherwise be unable to afford them.

We believe businesses, governments, the general public and even health professionals can learn more and do more.

Because we believe a world with hearing equality is possible.

Answers contributed by Soundfair

16 Answers | 1 Agree | 58 Thanks