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  • Q&A with Australian Health Practitioners

    I have been on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)T for 27yrs. When should I stop?

    I had major radical surgery including ovary removal at 30. I am now 57 and am still taking 2mg Progynova. At what point do I stop taking HRT?
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    Dr Barry Wren

    Endocrinologist, Gynaecologist

    Dr Barry Wren was one of the original founders of the International Menopause Society in 1976 and subsequently founded the Australian Menopause Society, becoming its … View Profile

    By continuing to take Progynova (estradiol valerate), you have  maintained all the cells that depend on estradiol for their normal function. This helps reduce the risk of osteoporotic fracture, atherosclerotic plaques forming in your arteries (heart attacks) and amyloid toxins in your brain cells (dementia). You have almost certainly avoided those distressing symptoms (flushes, sweats, dry vagina, loss of libido) that reduce the quality of life for some postmenopausal women and you have maintained the tone and integrity of all your vaginal and bladder tissue. Women who continue estradiol therapy live a longer life than women who do not use estrogen and maintain a healthier and more enjoyable outcome. 
    So why would any woman want to stop?

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